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Taplio is an AI-powered tool that helps users grow their audience on LinkedIn by providing features such as personalized post suggestions, content scheduling, lead generation, analytics, and more.


Image Description


Use Cases

  • Content Creation Create engaging content faster with AI-generated suggestions.
  • Lead Generation Nurture leads and expand your network efficiently on LinkedIn.
  • Personal Branding Build and grow your personal brand on LinkedIn with Taplio tools.


  • AI Content Creation Get personalized posts and carousels created by AI to improve engagement.
  • Content Scheduling Schedule posts with various media types and advanced options for post performance.
  • Lead Generation Find and nurture leads on LinkedIn with features like bulk DMs and data export.
  • LinkedIn Analytics Track key performance indicators and get insights on post performance.
  • Taplio X Chrome Extension Access analytics, top posts, and inspiration directly on LinkedIn.


  • Free Start using Taplio for free with basic features.
  • $49/month Unlock advanced features like enhanced analytics and lead generation tools.
  • $99/month Get access to premium features such as custom post creation and extended support.


  • Awais Kahn, Superhuman | AI Expert Taplio helped me analyze my posts and create effective content on LinkedIn.
  • Isobel Cowell, Head of Social, Kurogo Taplio supports us in growing our clients' personal brands and boosting engagement.
  • Justin Welsh, Saturday Solopreneur, LinkedIn OS Taplio is the complete solution for scheduling posts and staying inspired on LinkedIn.