Find relevant YouTube comments in seconds. Search by keywords, user mentions, or engagement levels and export data for research, content strategy, or competitor analysis.
Copy and paste the YouTube video link where you want to find comments. Our tool automatically fetches the latest comments from the video.
Search comments by specific words, phrases, usernames, or topics. Use filters to refine your search: sort by engagement, filter by date, or find comments from specific users.
The tool scans thousands of comments in real-time, showing only the most relevant ones. View comment text, username, timestamp, like count, and replies.
Download comments in CSV or JSON format for further analysis. Use the extracted data for market research, content strategy, or sentiment analysis.
Only relevant comments based on your keyword and filter selection. No need to scroll manually—our tool instantly finds the comments you need.
Structured table view with comments, usernames, timestamps, and engagement metrics. Export options: CSV (for Excel) or JSON (for developers).
Identify highly liked comments to understand audience sentiment. View most engaged discussions for deeper insights.
Reduce hours of manual searching into seconds. Leverage extracted comments for content creation, marketing, or reporting.
Identify what people are saying about brands, products, or industry trends. Analyze sentiment in discussions and gather real customer opinions.
Find out what viewers love, dislike, or request in your videos. Discover popular topics based on high-engagement comments.
Track brand mentions and customer feedback in product review videos. Identify competitor trends and spot potential issues or positive reviews in real-time.
Extract audience opinions on current events, political topics, or tech trends. Find relevant comments for news articles, case studies, or reports.
Detect and remove spam, hate speech, and fake engagement. Quickly moderate large discussions without manually searching.